Jessie Rivest

Jessie Rivest


With an innate attraction to the unconventional, Jessie has always stood out. She completed her undergraduate degree at York University (BMus), where she explored diverse musical realms, from a cappella to avant-garde performance. Afterward, she pursued a Postgraduate Degree in Arts Administration & Cultural Management at Humber College, gaining knowledge and experience in the art world’s business side. However, the non-profit arts sector’s limitations left her uninspired.

In 2018, Jessie embarked on an 18-month nomadic pet-sitting journey, delving into Jungian psychology and sound art composition. Settling in Kelowna, she entered real estate marketing, drawn by its energy. Amid the pandemic’s challenges, Laurence Hillmans’ online course on archetypes transformed her perspective and highlighted her gifts in working with people to uncover their full potential.

Now a certified Leadership Coach & Consultant, and Founder of Yin for the Win, Jessie guides individuals, couples, and teams to remember their power. She invites her clients to align with their purpose beyond survival, embracing a harmonized future.