Classic Programmes

Inspirational Leadership
Improve your ability to communicate effectively, motivate and inspire. Unite teams around common goals, build resilience, and trust.

Transformational Leadership
Create a climate for change, understand how change is perceived by different groups and improve your abilities to implement change

Influential Leadership
Practice new skills to influence positively, read and navigate organisational politics and create rapport.

Culture Change Leadership
Learn to leave behind old habits, become more present and open to possibilities, change unstable working cultures, and develop tools for creating shared visions.

Courageous Leadership
Understand your leadership style, and how to manage ‘derailers’ with sensitivity. Gain insight into the importance of self-awareness and its power to create high performing teams.

Authentic Leadership
Understand your leadership styles, behaviours, and instincts, how you can overcome obstacles and how mistakes become valuable learning experiences.

Evolutionary Leadership
Increase your ability to ‘read the signs’ in complex situations, learn how to provide direction in challenging times and increase your awareness of how to respond creatively.

Leadership Presence
Learn how to communicate with confidence and purpose, how to improve your leadership effectiveness and make an even bigger impact by learning to work with your inner critic.